Saturday, May 14, 2011

Win some... lose some (the disappointments & victories of the performer)

So...everyone I know who saw American Idol this week was greatly disappointed about James being voted off. I got all kinds of facebook messages, clean and not so clean comments from angry fans. So assuming we all agree James has the best voice, range, performance skills and ability to connect w folks, WUZ UP WITH THAT???

It's just one of those unfair things in life. Sometimes the best guys lose. The ones with the most talent often go unnoticed, unappreciated, and feel devalued. I spent my life studying music at the best music schools in NYC and being mentored under killer vocal and performance coaches.

Not to mention my mother's keen ability to train me up to truly connect with people and love my audience more than I love myself and life itself! Even with all my training and love for my fans or friends or whatever you call the peeps who love you, I have failed MANY TIMES to win!

One time, I performed at the Gospel Music Competition of the year and won second place. Two of the judges approached me afterward and said they wanted me to win first! I was upstaged by a group of galz in a rock band who somewhat rocked and who were also somewhat cookie cutter. Put it on my resume and celebrated the oppty to enjoy the experience in Nashville and get that far (since I was picked out of hundreds of singers just to get to compete)

Another time, I competed for the McDonald's GospelFest. I was the only JEW who made it into the competition! So I should of felt lucky and I think I did. It's possible I was also the only white girl too which to me was an enormous honor.

So I got to be a finalist and nothing doing for being the winner. They chose this teen chick who had some sob story about needing the winning money for her college tuition. Her voice was mediocre but she hit one impressive but sort of pushed note at the end of her song.

That week, my church pastor honored me in front of the entire church with a plaque and much kudos and love. The pastor and his wife announced that I was THEIR winner and they loved and appreciated me.

Lesson to learn? No matter how great your fans say you are, you WILL feel de-valued from time to time. You will feel like giving up.  But take heart. The victory does not lie in fame or in rewards. The victory lies in how you touch people's hearts & how you make the world a better place w/ your song. 

You & me, we are one of God's few ambassadors of hope n healing...don't forget that!!!!!! He, Elohim, God, and his love is our greatest reward. We represent Him- the greatest healer n lover of souls anyone has ever known.

AND WHAT REWARD COULD BE GREATER THAN THAT?????? To represent the ultimate lover n healer! (I preach to myself here too) So dont let your "stinkin thinkin" get you down. Sing w all your heart cuz you love it. Beacause you love God and because you love all His peeps! You might be the only mirror of hope n love a person has ever seen.

Love to hear your comments @

michelle gold
music described as Celine n Beyonce meet Yeshua (Jesus) in Jerusalem